Archive for the ‘japan’ Category


Racing Otaku and 7tune Join Forces

October 5, 2009


I’m pleased to announce that I will be working with the much respected and well known people behind the automotive website, 7tune.

I will be contributing to the site from Japan and will be covering a variety of car related events so be sure to head over and check them out.

My first article for them is already up and ready for you reading pleasure so have a look.

Here is a sample:


Most of us are familiar with the very popular Hot Version DVD’s released by Best Motoring, here in Japan. Keiichi Tsuchiya always features prominently, as do his on track cohorts, Manabu Orido and Nob Taniguchi. There’s also even a little eye candy amongst all the aluminum, carbon fiber and testosterone. The Hot Version DVD series is now more than 100 volumes old and has always showcased battles between the best of the best in performance engineering here in Japan. To the victor, the spoils truly do go and there is a lot of honor and dignity on the line for all those chosen to participate from the countless many who apply.

Considering this is an airtight, invite only event, you can imagine my surprise when I received an unexpected call from a personal friend of mine, who for the sake of anonymity, would like me to refer to him simply as “Y”. Y has a very interesting hobby in that he develops bespoke performance parts for his very own gloss black 2008 Nissan R35 GT-R. Going back a few months, Y showed me the blueprints for a special set of performance dampers that were one off creations being crafted especially for him by a workshop in Nagoya. Fast forward a few months and Y has been selected to compete in the battle and asks me to attend the shoot on his behalf.  Before it even has time to register, he hits me with the zinger, “…and I’ll need you to drive the car back from Sendai to Tokyo.” The thought of not only being invited to attend the shooting for one of the most exclusive automotive battles in Japan but also have the chance to spend a few hundred intimate kilometers with one of my favorite cars on the way back was too much to resist…
